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"article": "easily, I use PHP API for inserting data too database. It is the right way how to be a productive person. I love it :-) And it is so good feeling how to learn new things and get now knowledges and use it in real life :-). So good bye",
"6": "easily, I use PHP API for inserting data too database. It is the right way how to be a productive person. I love it :-) And it is so good feeling how to learn new things and get now knowledges and use it in real life :-). So good bye",
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"article": "easily, I use PHP API for inserting data too database. It is the right way how to be a productive person. I love it :-) And it is so good feeling how to learn new things and get now knowledges and use it in real life :-). So good bye",
"6": "easily, I use PHP API for inserting data too database. It is the right way how to be a productive person. I love it :-) And it is so good feeling how to learn new things and get now knowledges and use it in real life :-). So good bye",
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"article": "how to get content via api, je to \u010desky",
"6": "how to get content via api, je to \u010desky",
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"description": "Docela by mne zaj\u00edmalo, jak moc bude \u00fasp\u011b\u0161n\u00fd web, kde texty bude z\u010d\u00e1sti generovat AI. Maxim\u00e1ln\u011b by tam redaktor n\u011bco poopravil
Proto\u017ee si mysl\u00edm, \u017ee a\u0165 chceme nebo ne, tak um\u011bl\u00e1 inteligence bude zasahovat do na\u0161ich \u017eivot\u016f v\u00edce a v\u00edce. Maxim\u00e1ln\u011b bych tam dal n\u011bjak\u00e9 ty reklamy, kter\u00e9 by generovaly zisk :D
By the way..sly\u0161el jsem od n\u00e1stroji, kter\u00fd je pracuje tak\u00e9 s um,\u011blou inteligenc\u00ed a je to n\u011bco jako Photoshop, akor\u00e1t je to on-line, tak\u017ee \u017e\u00e1dnej adobe cloud nebo tak n\u011bco, co\u017e je super, tak jsem to hned otestoval a fakt to je super
Tak\u017ee si myslim, \u017ee je to okay a ty online n\u00e1stroje moj\u00ed budoucnost. Konec konc\u016f v\u0161e bude jednou on-line. A to se mi l\u00edb\u00ed, proto\u017ee to bude svoboda, ale t\u011b\u017eko \u0159\u00edci, co tady bude za 5 10 30 nebo sp\u00ed\u0161e 50 let... (to u\u017e asi budu v d\u016fchodu :). Ikdy\u017e nekdo nikdy nev\u00ed, proto\u017ee IT je tak nez\u00e1visl\u00fd obor, tak\u017ee lze produkovat \u010dl\u00e1nky, jako je tent\u017eo i v d\u016fchodu a st\u00e1le m\u00edt n\u011bjak\u00fd p\u0159\u00edjem. Tento web bude tak\u00e9 o technologii\u00edch IT. A to je super, proto \u010dlov+k nikdy nev\u00ed :)
Vytvo\u0159\u00edm rubriko\u00e9 speci\u00e1ln\u011b pro toto. Tady je v\u00fdhoda, \u017ee \u010dlov\u011bk na tuhle str\u00e1nku zat\u00edm nechod\u00ed a nen\u00ed n\u011bjak spe\u0161l linkovan\u00e1 :)... plus je\u0161t\u011b mus\u00edm ud\u011blat detail a n\u011bjakej ten import taky. Ikdy\u017e dnes jsou kurzu sp\u00ed\u0161e markdowny, ale mus\u00ed to n\u011bjak jet.
Tak\u017ee si myslim, \u017ee je to okay a ty online n\u00e1stroje moj\u00ed budoucnost. Konec konc\u016f v\u0161e bude jednou on-line. A to se mi l\u00edb\u00ed, proto\u017ee to bude svoboda, ale t\u011b\u017eko \u0159\u00edci, co tady bude za 5 10 30 nebo sp\u00ed\u0161e 50 let... (to u\u017e asi budu v d\u016fchodu :). Ikdy\u017e nekdo nikdy nev\u00ed, proto\u017ee IT je tak nez\u00e1visl\u00fd obor, tak\u017ee lze produkovat \u010dl\u00e1nky, jako je tent\u017eo i v d\u016fchodu a st\u00e1le m\u00edt n\u011bjak\u00fd p\u0159\u00edjem. Tento web bude tak\u00e9 o technologii\u00edch IT. A to je super, proto \u010dlov+k nikdy nev\u00ed :)
Vytvo\u0159\u00edm rubriko\u00e9 speci\u00e1ln\u011b pro toto. Tady je v\u00fdhoda, \u017ee \u010dlov\u011bk na tuhle str\u00e1nku zat\u00edm nechod\u00ed a nen\u00ed n\u011bjak spe\u0161l linkovan\u00e1 :)... plus je\u0161t\u011b mus\u00edm ud\u011blat detail a n\u011bjakej ten import taky. Ikdy\u017e dnes jsou kurzu sp\u00ed\u0161e markdowny, ale mus\u00ed to n\u011bjak jet.